What I offer

Everybody knows the importance of exercising body muscles on a regular basis and keeping fit body posture, so why not care for the face too?
When you search about “Face Yoga”, you will see lots of videos. But please be careful, don’t just do everything you see on the screen. Because, some of them can cause even more wrinkles. The reason is, when you make a facial expression, not only one muscle is in it but also lots of others. So you should prevent the other muscles from moving. We will try to focus on the area which only we want to strengthen which requires using our fingertips and palms. And last but not the least, it will be personal, depending on your needs: current wrinkles, saggy parts, tired looking face and eyes etc.
We will start by relaxing back, shoulders and neck and then continue with the forehead, eyes, crow’s foot, cheeks and lips.
Yes, we will work on necks too. Our neck is the part that reveals our age the most. Fortunately, the neck is also the part which responds real fast to our efforts.
Good news! You can practice some of the moves wherever you are: while driving car, cooking, reading, working, studying, watching TV, surfing on the internet.
There's one thing which is as important as face yoga itself: Face posture. If you're doing a bad face posture all the time while speaking, drinking, smiling even sleeping and especially resting, then I should help you to behave properly on your daily activities.
I can instruct in English and Italian at the moment. I'm working on German as well.
So, if you are ready to give a try, clean your hands, clean your face, put just a little bit of a light moisturiser on your face.
Being present is also essential. So, before we start we will reconnect with the present moment by taking just 1-2 minutes to focus fully on what is going around us. We will take it all in with all our senses. We’ll feel it, smell it, hear it, sense it on our skin.
Ready? Then, you can click here to try a free 10 minute lesson.